Download dinosaur game capcom
Download dinosaur game capcom

download dinosaur game capcom

If you’ve played Resident Evil, you’ll instantly feel at home playing Dino Crisis. When this new source of energy is released, it can provide new life to our polluted planet, desperately in need of new power sources. He can take energy from the existing atmosphere and convert it to clean, useable energy. Kirk’s research focuses on a revolutionary experiment to compile the “Principle of Clean Energy,” the ultimate energy source. New data suggests he faked the death and has now formed a secret laboratory to complete an experiment after his own country discontinued funding of the project. At the heart of the game is the primary “villain,” 29-year-old Professor Kirk, a scientific genius, who apparently died in an accident some years before. Neo Cabĭino Crisis takes place in the not-so-distant future on Ibis Island. You get to see one of them land on T-Rex’s favorite lunch spot and then, well…we’ll save that for you to see…and hear…and feel. Along with a small band of similarly skilled agents, she begins this adventure by parachuting onto the island at night. She looks like a mixed Japanese-Caucasian with blood-red hair, and you can bet that she’s worth looking at, from all angles, throughout the entire game.

download dinosaur game capcom

We tried half-heartedly to edit them out, but after killing, and then drinking the blood of the big, evil T-Rex, and howling at the moon all night, there was little holding back.) Players assume the role of the slim, red-haired military government agent Regina. (Just to let you know there are a lot of comparisons to the Resident Evil series here. Your mission is simple: find Professor Kirk, get off the island alive, and discover if there is any relation between Dr. The once lush, virgin landscape is actually rampant with hungry Raptors, T-Rexs, and other Jurassic-era carnivores. Ibis Island is also covered with real live, real hungry dinosaurs. This new face in the Resident Evil library has loads of merit, and is a fresh and original game in many ways. Less sci-fi, and more adventure, less supernatural and more, well, Jurassic Park, Dino Crisis delivers a vicious, flesh-tearing fright than its originator. Dino Crisis has a different take than Resident Evil.

Download dinosaur game capcom